2023 has been a remarkable year for DeltaStream, filled with innovation, growth, and resilience, it has been nothing short of transformative. A year of significant advancements in our mission to make stream processing accessible and powerful for everyone.

We wanted to take a moment to highlight the key achievements from this year that have propelled us forward:

Expanding Expertise

Previously focused solely on engineering, we welcomed a dedicated Go-To-Market team in 2023, leading to increased content creation through engaging blog posts, webinars, and video tutorials. This expansion reflects our commitment to broader engagement and community building through education.

Building a Robust Platform

2023 saw the release of many exciting capabilities by DeltaStream. We launched a public SaaS offering, where both control and data planes reside within DeltaStream's VPC. While this solution serves many, we recognize the need for stricter data management. In response, we built our private SaaS offering, Bring Your Own Cloud (BYOC). With this option, DeltaStream runs the data plane within the user's own VPC, ensuring data sovereignty. Announced in August 2023, BYOC has received enthusiastic feedback from customers and prospects.

Deepening Ecosystem Integration

Through user feedback, we identified Snowflake and Databricks as popular destinations for streaming data. We responded by establishing seamless integrations within DeltaStream, allowing users to build streaming pipelines and materialize results in either platform.

Open Source Contributions

Recognizing the power of collaboration, we open-sourced our Snowflake connector for Apache Flink. This connector facilitates native integration between other data sources and Snowflake. Open sourcing this connector aligns with our vision of providing a unified view over all data and to make stream processing possible for any product use case.

Streamlining Change Data Capture

DeltaStream now supports Change Data Capture (CDC) for PostgreSQL, enabling real-time data integration and consistent updates across systems.

Free Trial Availability

We understand the importance of hands-on experience. This year, we launched a free trial that allows users to explore DeltaStream's features and functionalities firsthand. Additionally, we launched a click-through experience so users are able to experience our first-in-class UI without registration.

Achieving SOC 2 Compliance

Demonstrating our commitment to security, DeltaStream achieved SOC 2 Type II compliance late Q2 2023. This certification was important for us to show our commitment to protecting customer data, ensuring operational excellence, and maintaining a secure environment.

Engaging the Community

We actively participated in various conferences and events, including Current 2023, Flink Forward, and numerous Data Infrastructure gatherings. We sponsored Current 2023, hosted networking events, presented a session on securing streaming data, and showcased DeltaStream to the broader community.

Looking Ahead

2023 has been a year of tremendous growth and innovation for DeltaStream. We have achieved significant milestones and established ourselves as a leading provider of stream processing solutions. As we look forward to 2024 and beyond, we are committed to continuous development and community engagement. We believe that stream processing has the power to revolutionize data-driven decision-making, and we are excited to be at the forefront of this transformation.

Thank you to our customers, community, and partners for your unwavering support. Together, we are making stream processing a reality for organizations of all sizes.